Wednesday 3 July 2019

Modern Rap Music

JCole & Kendrick Lamar are the two most conscious rappers in the world.

Drake, at the moment is the Starboy. He's the best selling. He's richer than both of them combined. And at the moment, he's got the wave.

Drake isn't a bad rapper at all. On his day, he'll murder a beat. I think at this point in his life, he's no more "In His Feelings."
Drake has Gone PoP! He's all about the selling out of concerts and revenue streams. He's a dad now and he's saving up for the future. He'll rule for a long time.

Now, back to Cole & Lamar. These guys right now have the craziest fans. These guys are like religion.
Every one is pitting both of them together, hoping they'd have beef.

But what you don't know is that these guys are creative-s that know what they're doing. They've carved out their own path. Everyone is on their own lane. Cole can't enter Kendrick's Lane, same way Kendrick can't do to Cole.
Kendrick is a poet, an activist & a philosopher.
Cole is the same.
But what makes them connect is the fact that they're both realist. They live off being true to themselves and their art.

Kendrick, Lyrically is more advanced and at the moment, i don't think there's any rapper as creative as Kendrick yet.
Kendrick learnt from his predecessors and at the moment. He's the best rapper in the world. No Cap!

But you see Cole? That dude knows how to paint pictures very vividly with his lyrics. What makes JCole special is that he's really gifted guy and he drops real life facts that are so relatable to everyday life in his lyrics. He's that guy you go to for inspiration and loads of motivation. In a broken world like this, he is the type of guy that makes story telling fancy. He is on his own and doesn't imitate, but you can't deny the influence of Nas on his music and his lyrics. JCole is arguably the biggest storytellerCumRapper who always has a moral lessons to drop at the end of every song.
I think rappers who come close are NF & HOPSIN. And what the these three rappers have in common right now is that at the end of the day, they leave you thinking. Making you question yourself, the society & the status quo.

These guys will NEVER beef. It will be very disastrous for their careers and believe me, it will turn bloody.
But if they do, that would be the end of Drake's Reign. Cos, each single/album dropped by these two guys (Cole&Kendrick) would be a hit and everyone would love to be a part of this great war. They'll compete to know who is better.
Who would want to listen to "KIKI DO YOU LOVE ME" When two elephants are fighting?

These Guys are amazing. And the more we learn to appreciate their art, the better. I thought that the rivalry between 2Pac & B.I.G must have taught Ya'll a lesson by now.

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