Wednesday 3 July 2019

The Silent Night

Her: You're a really weird guy

Him: (smiles) why do you say so?

Her: Cos... I'm a (shrugs) You know?

Him: A Whore?

Her: (bites her lower lip)

Him: ...And?

Her: You've never tried to have sex with me or anything.
All you do is just cuddle, put your hands under my nightie, grab my boobs and sleep.
In the morning, you make me breakfast and you serve me.
You let me listen to your songs, you take me shopping and in the end you still pay me for my services.
Services that i never even offer.

Him: Don't you like it?

Her: I do but... It's just not professional you know?
I'm not working for my money.
It's just like you're treating me like some sort of charity case or something.
All i ask is for an explanation please.
Are you... By any chance Gay?

Him: (Laughs) 🤣 No, I'm not.

Her: Then What?

Him: I just hate Sleeping alone.

Her: Explain the gifts then.
All these free shopping?

Him: it's just a gift.

Her: Look, I'm not tryna intrude or anything.
I dunno if you're a drug dealer or something...
It just doesn't feel right.
You live in a large house, you've got Cars, Guards, Servants.
And You're still so young.
Where all this money come from? I dunno.
Maybe you're from a rich family or something but...
The truth is, the way you're acting isn't professional.
We're both not supposed to have anything between us except fucking.
But you don't wanna Fuccck.
You just wanna cuddle and shit.
I get it, you're a gentleman. You probably never fucccked a whore and you think you probably have to Woo them with cash and all that to make them feel comfortable before you get them to spread they legs. Look, we all bitches over here... We just spread our damn legs and go... After we're paid of course.

Him: (smiles) all these, i already know.
Hoes and all.
I dunno what made you wanna live this kinda life of yours... But regardless of the fact that you Fuccck for money.
Whores have feelings too don't they?
I just wanna cuddle with you cos i love your body.
And, it's always warm.

Her: (laughs) Boy, you are fucccking NUTS! For Real!
I've never met a more insane guy like you.
I swear to God boy you are Local!
Ha ha ha!
My Body is warm? Hey
, Don't you ever get horny?

Him: (laughs) Of course! I sure do.
Whenever i touch your boobs, or look at the way your ass jiggles whenever you wanna put on your jeans, it really turns me on.

Her: Then why don't you ever make a move then?

(awkward silence)

Him: (slowly exhales)
... I once loved one girl.
Then, I got that one girl.
And because of ladies with fat Asses like yours, i lost a good girl, just cos I couldn't resist the temptations of the booty.
...your body so close to mine, you being naked almost all the time, and the way you walk around the house with only your panties on. I like that.
That's why, i wanna be able to test myself. To know if truly i can be committed to a relationship.
So that when i apologize to her... When i get down on my knees to say I'll always be faithful to only you.
I wanna say it knowing fully well that i mean it.
Every Single Word.
I've got, Cars, houses... Money.
But She...
I know it's crazy, beyond human understanding.
But you see, the truth is home can be a person.
And she to me is...
She is home.

Her: WOW!
Wow, woah...
that is beautiful.
Got me feeling some typa way there for a moment.
So, where's she now?

Him: Dead.

Her: WHAT?!
Ohh my... 😔
Ohh! I'm so so sorry.
What happened?

Him: ...I killed her.

Her: What?

Him: She wanted to leave me so i smashed her head with that iron rod over there... (Pointing to the rod near the door)
As she lay there almost unconscious, gasping for air.
I went into the kitchen, took a knife and cut her stomach open and then ripped out her heart.
(Turns around to look at her and his eyes looked really demonic.
So did his voice )
The same way I'm gonna cut yours open.
That is... (Speaks Slowly while looking into her terrified eyes with a sly smile on his face. He strokes her hair sensually as she shudders in fear) if you ever try to leave me.
You'll meet the same fate.

Her:  . . .
(In Her Mind)
Lord! Save Me Please.

Him: The Lord Left You The Moment You Decided To Come Home With Me.

(Laughs Hysterically)

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