Thursday 13 February 2014

10:17 | 13.02.2014

Valentine’s Day, is celebrated in many parts of the world on the 14th of February each year. For many people, there are various reasons to celebrate the day and in Nigeria, many do not actually know the significance of the day.
Most people think it is a day where sexual immorality is carried out, not knowing that the day is actually meant to be a day to exchange token gifts and show love and to everyone, irrespective of his status, class, religion or creed.
So on Morning Teaser today, we ask: what does Valentine’s Day mean to you?
Morning Teaser If You Had The Power To Change The World, What Would It Be?
Creative Ideas For Valentine's Day 6 Ways To Spend Val's Day On A Budget!
Morning Teaser If You Have The Opportunity Of Meeting God, What Would Be Your First Question To Him?

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