- Not including teachers in the decision making process. Decisions made from “on high” can seem gratuitous or arbitrary.
- Not backing up teachers in tough situations. It’s very important for teachers to know that they will be supported if they make a decision that will upset a parent.
- Punishing teachers instead of helping them improve. Teachers are human beings - they make mistakes and have failings. Helping teachers improve is far better than punishing them with bad schedules, room relocations, or layoffs.
- Sitting in the office instead of roaming the building. Teachers and students should see the principal on a regular basis around the school.
- Making everything a priority. When everything is your priority, nothing is your priority.
- Ignoring major problems. We all know that not every problem can be solved. But you can always make an attempt.
- Appeasing parents when they are being unreasonable. Giving parents what they request when it doesn’t impair the education process makes sense. But when it does? Not so much.
- Allowing favoritism to continue. This is very common for coaches, athletes, and “principal’s favorite” teachers.
- Promising but not delivering. If you’re not sure a thing can be done, don’t promise it.
- Not putting academics first. Schools have to be a school first, and everything else second.
There are many more, but I’ve seen these failings committed over and over again.
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