Sunday, 2 July 2023


Dear Supervisor,

Closing late or leaving work on time is not a Key Performance Indicator or Key Result Area and it does not translate to a staff being productive.

What you should be measuring is actual performance, quality of work, effectiveness, efficiency, professionalism and so on.

That a staff closes late does not translate to commitment, efficiency, output or quality of work.

It's actually not your business if a staff chooses to leave work right at closing hour, as long as there isn't any task that should be closed out on or beyond deadline.

Some people have young children that need their attention, some have aged or a sick parent or relation that they have to care for after work; some have classes/ courses they are taking; some people are learning to swim, dance etc.; some live far away from work; some just have a lovely family they can't wait to be with after several hours apart.

On the other hand, some choose to stay late to avoid their abusive spouse/parents/siblings; some are experiencing domestic violence that they would rather be away from their home as much as possible; home is lonely for some; some are avoiding heavy traffic and so on.

Stop comparing people, people's realities are different. That A chooses to leave work at 9pm and another chooses to leave right at closing hour does not mean A is more committed. Some people are very active during the day while some are active in the evenings.

Let people breathe, let people work happily, let people LIVE. Life is not all about work, health and family matters too.

People are at different stages of life, some are single, some are married, some have all their children in boarding houses, some have babies, some have toddlers, some are newly married.... All these translate to how people choose to spend their time and what's priority for them.

Let people LIVE. 

N.B-There are days that work demands extra hours, that's exclusive of this write-up.

#michaelsview #workplacewellness #people #balancedlife #workplaceculture #leadership #productivity #timemanagement #wellbeingmatters

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