Sunday, 5 May 2019


Image result for what would you do  I have three hypothetical conditions for you guys. I really want to hear your thoughts. Treat each scenario differently. Think about it and then respond to it individually, don't clump them together.

So, here are the scenarios:
1) If, 5 years from now, you found out that your sister isn't actually your sister because the nurses had done a switch at birth in the hospital, would you stop loving her?

2) If this morning, a stranger knocked on your door to say he is your brother, showed you all the evidence he has collected and you verify it and found it true. Would you welcome them into your home if they asked to spend the night?

3) You're a father and as a joke, you decided to do DNA test for your children who are in their 20s and you found out they aren't yours. Would you leave them out of your will?

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