Saturday, 11 May 2019

Food For Thought

TRIAL-AND-JUDGMENT!, oppressed minds in  clouded
justice, confessed lies, criminals reinvent crime to be proud
of something, innocents are non existent in this world that we
live in, turning family structures into PILES-OF-RUBBISH!
I think about all the pictures for perfect moments, but the
camera only captures the PICTURES-WORTH-THE-FOCUS,
what about the times that lacked the laughter? I guess it’s
a different kind of cannon they use for those “head-shots’
but that’s the SHIT-THE-WORLD-DON’T-NOTICE! Cause
we’re from the concrete jungle entwined in the vines of
hate, blinded vultures trying to find a plate, no forks
necessary when you
“FIND-YA-LIFE’S-AT-STEAK” they say it’s a free world but if
that’s the case why do most of the “richest-estates
HIDE-BEHIND-A-GATE? see We come from a world where
Trouble’s never “TOO-FAR-BEHIND” where religion has been
dilluted with all these “new-thoughts-in-minds book-cross-
and-shrine, but if you LOOK-FAR-BEHIND in mans ancient
scripture, what we refer to as mary's son and three king
were simply the “MOON-STARS-AND-SKY”! but there
are views far and wide. Now people view blogs and sigh,
cause todays YOUTH-OFTEN-FIND the internet is where the
“TRUTH-ALWAYS-LIES” thoughts continue to “MOVE-
OFF-IN-MIND” let me take some time to COOL-OFF, I'M-
FINE!! It’s just that this ocean run’s deep, and from the
edge of this cliff, its so tempting to just “SCREW-ALL-AND-


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