Tuesday 12 July 2022

Steps to Conquer your Introverted Nature

I am proud to always say I am an introvert but you won't know because I don't wear it as a garment. It takes intentionality to know what you want and then go for it. These are a few steps to conquer your introverted nature in place of your assignment. 📌 PURPOSE DISCOVERY: You cannot discover purpose and still carry your introverted nature around. What you will be concerned about is the fact that you have an assignment to fulfill and that mandate you must accomplish. The moment I realized that I was given a great task that I must fulfill, nobody pushed me. I naturally gave in because I knew I would only be stagnant and delaying my dreams if I didn't and so far, here I am. 📌DETERMINATION: When you are bent on doing something with your whole heart, nothing stops you. You go to the extreme just to get results. Determination pushes and keeps you on track. If you are not determined it's as good as not starting. 📌DO IT AFRAID: Sincerely it won't go well but you have to do it afraid. I remember starting my journey with trembling hands and a shaky voice, but I didn't let it stop. I just knew I had to get better. There are times when you will get cold feet and ask yourself if it's worth the torture. Yes, it is worth it. Over time you will understand you only called it torture but it is a process and stepping stone to your success. You are not helping anyone but yourself so extra effort from your end is needed. Nothing in life is easy but giving it a try will ease the tension. Stop the admiration if you are not ready to put in the work because the wishes won't come to pass. Having a nature that commands authority and greatness is better than having a timid self. You're representing YOU. I represent ME.

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