Tuesday 3 August 2021

Religion, Christianity...Religious Adulteration

I didn’t want to deliberate on the debacle that had Living Faith pastors sacked in their hundreds.

I didn’t want to bother my self with inanities but I suddenly had a change of mind.

In the UK, at least I can attest to that, churches are seen as charity organizations and their proceeds emanate from donations, funding and offerings. They are not taxed and they have no responsibility towards the government.

It’s an organized system and this is why no pastor in the UK would be put under pressure to remit money to the general purse.

In Nigeria, even though churches are also not taxed, they run a lot of overhead costs before they can even generate donations and Charity.

Again, when a young man has looked left and right and can’t find a means of livelihood and the government has as usual, fucked him over,

He goes into a trance and wakes with an epiphany. He is now a new creature called by “God” to lead his people!

Because of the capital intensive project he is embarking on, he smartly goes under the tutelage of an older and more experienced pastor, whose church serves as a training ground akin to the “boyi” system of Igbo apprenticeship culture, worshiping his Daddy with all his might until he is released with a church offering to become a reverend juggernaut!

Some go under paid employment like we also have in the Igbo business circles, to learn the trade, sorry the ropes and become a proud owner of a church one day.

Mind you, he can’t head the parent church where he is training or working as the case might be, because that church is reserved for the hemp smoking and drug infested children of the main PASTA! It is their birth right. Whenever it is time, they will clean their acts and assume the huge responsibility which promises a lot of huge returns. They grew up in the system and accustomed with the charisma and persona required for such highly revered positions.

So now tell me, why will the main overseer not sack these lazy pastors that can’t even grow their congregation? How do you expect a fellow man in an ailing economy to provide rent, church space, salary, a PLATFORM and even congregants and you can’t even grow the herd.

That is a major bullshit for me. When money is invested in a system, profit MUST be made, growth and expansion are sacrosanct and if you can’t keep up, leave and go to the mountains like prophets of the old with a bell and scream your lungs out!

The worst pandemic bedevilling Nigeria and Africa as a continent is nothing but religions, those barbaric capitalists parading themselves as men of God has done more evil to our society than the politicians, Sad how they easily brainwashed the lager chunck of our population even the so called educated class.🤔 

~When the mind is lazy, it falls prey to the GREAT MINDS.

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