Tuesday, 22 December 2020

Being a Coward

Sunscreen is for cowards afraid of skin cancer.

Work is for cowards afraid of poverty.

Clothes are for cowards afraid of cold (and shame)

Belts are for cowards that are afraid of their pants falling down.

Seatbelts are for cowards afraid of windshields.

Helmets (all kinds) are for cowards afraid of force

Engineering is for cowards afraid of bridges, buildings, etc. collapsing.

Fire extinguishers are for cowards afraid of fire.

Water is for cowards afraid of chapped lips.

Antibiotics are for cowards afraid of shitting themselves out of existence.

Hairnets are for cowards afraid of hair in their food.

Shoes are for cowards afraid of blisters.

Toilet paper is for cowards afraid of fecal remnants.

Masks are for cowards afraid of COVID.

And thus is the word of the Lord. 

So there...

Blessed are the cowards for they will inherit the Earth🙏🏾😇

~Wear yourself a merry little Christmask👌🏾

The Job Interview

Interviewer: What is your mail id?

Me: adityapratap2018@gmail.com

Interviewer: What's​ the password of your email ID?

Me: Why password Sir? What is the relation of this job with my privacy?

Interviewer: I need to know something from it. So what is your mail Id password?

Me: Sir, password is - need_a_job (gave actual password).

Interviewer(without typing the password): You don’t seem to be a believable person, you may share the secrets of the company. Why should I hire you?

Me: Were you about to hire me, if I seemed to be believable?

Interviewer: Yes! why not, everything was fine with you except this huge mistake. Secrets of the company are very important. When you can share your password for this job, in future you will not give a second thought for exchanging secret information of this company for a better job. Sorry Dear, It’s a huge mistake.

Me: Okay Sir, Why don’t you just enter the Password?

Interviewer: Okay(typed need_a_job).

After typing the password. Next thing will be:

Me: Sir, there are still many things beyond passwords, I will never-ever share the secrets of the company to anyone. Now, you can happily hire me as I proved myself to be believable.

P.S. - For extra security, everyone should have 2-step verification. You never know, when will this extra security save you.

Thursday, 12 March 2020

Covid-19 - The Novel Wuhan Virus 2019

I am not scared of Covid-19. I am concerned about the implications of a novel infectious agent that has spread the world over and continues to find new footholds in different soil. I am rightly concerned for the welfare of those who are elderly, in frail health or disenfranchised who stand to suffer mostly, and disproportionately, at the hands of this new scourge. But I am not scared of Covid-19.

What I am scared about is the loss of reason and wave of fear that has induced the masses of society into a spellbinding spiral of panic, stockpiling obscene quantities of anything that could fill a bomb shelter adequately in a post- apocalyptic world.

I am scared of the N95 masks that are stolen from hospitals and urgent care clinics where they are actually needed for front line healthcare providers and instead are being donned in airports, malls, and coffee lounges, perpetuating even more fear and suspicion of others. I am scared that our hospitals will be overwhelmed with anyone who thinks they " probably don't have it but may as well get checked out no matter what because you just never know..." and those with heart failure, emphysema, pneumonia and strokes will pay the price for overfilled ER waiting rooms with only so many doctors and nurses to assess.

I am scared that travel restrictions will become so far reaching that weddings will be canceled, graduations missed and family reunions will not materialize. And well, even that big party called the Olympic Games...that could be kyboshed too. Can you even imagine?

I'm scared those same epidemic fears will limit trade, harm partnerships in multiple sectors, business and otherwise and ultimately culminate in a global recession.

But mostly, I'm scared about what message we are telling our kids when faced with a threat. Instead of reason, rationality, openmindedness and altruism, we are telling them to panic, be fearful, suspicious, reactionary and self-interested.

Covid-19 is nowhere near over. It will be coming to a city, a hospital, a friend, even a family member near you at some point. Expect it. Stop waiting to be surprised further. The fact is the virus itself will not likely do much harm when it arrives. But our own behaviors and "fight for yourself above all else" attitude could prove disastrous.

I implore you all. Temper fear with reason, panic with patience and uncertainty with education. We have an opportunity to learn a great deal about health hygiene and limiting the spread of innumerable transmissible diseases in our society. Let's meet this challenge together in the best spirit of compassion for others, patience, and above all, an unfailing effort to seek truth, facts and knowledge as opposed to conjecture, speculation and "catastrophizing".

Facts not fear. Clean hands. Open hearts. Our children will thank us for it. #Covid_19 #washyourhands #scrubyourhands #getyourflushot #avoidcrowdedplaces #respect #patiencenotpanic