Wednesday 25 December 2019


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As an English teacher, my take is that the “what” question is asking for criticism or praise. I’ll use this narrative to bring home my response, as blunt and direct as I possibly can.

 There is an estimate of 108 million humans to ever walk this planet earth and at least 7 billion living today. Think of it this way. If you had to live 108 billion times all over again, I earnestly doubt you would still be stuttering with no confidence.

Literally no one cares. No one cares if you made a mistake once,
Or twice.

No one cares if you tripped over a step in public as long as you brush it off, get up and walk again (even if your heart is pouring and your palms are sweaty).
No one cares about your eyes or voice. Here’s the bitter truth.

You are pretty/handsome. You might be smart, kind or even rude. You might have a talent of absolutely nothing or excel in a subject. At the end of the day, you are average until you prove yourself to be otherwise. Whether It is to five people or ten thousand people.

So next time you walk up, put aside and focus on the bigger pictures because these strangers won’t remember you in a few months, and that is the harsh fact. 
Thank you!

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