Friday 26 April 2019


Profile pictures on social media are visual projection of who you are and what you are like. Below are 12 categories that cover most types of profile pictures.

1. The professionally taken photo: You use social media mainly for business or career purposes.
2. Photo with your baby or child: You want to show what you have achieved in your family life and are generally more interested in a response from women than from men. 
3. Photo with a partner: You see your other half as the most important thing in your life, and you see yourself as one half of a couple. 

4. Having fun with friends: Generally young and carefree, you want to project an image of being fun and popular.

 5. Vacation photo: You are a bit of an escapist and eager to show a different side of yourself from what you do on a day-to-day basis. 
6.  Photo of you as a child: This kind of image says that you don’t really want to grow up and face the future. You are nostalgic for your childhood. 
 7. Caricature: Using a caricature is a way of saying that your image isn’t too rigid and that you don’t take yourself too seriously. 
8. Photo related to your political beliefs or a team that you support: You think that your beliefs and interests are more important than your personality. 
 9Photo related to your name, but not actually you (a shop sign or product label for example): You want to be identifiable, but you feel your name is more important than what you look like. 
10.  Photo with a celebrity: You think that showing yourself with a well-known person will make you seem more important. 
 11. Self-portrait taken with webcam/camera phone: Functional. It says, “Look, I don’t dress up; take me as I am.”
12. Logo of your business or company: You only use social media in a professional capacity, and you identify more with your work role than with your private life. 

Whether it's a photo of you on a night out or of you with your newborn baby, the image you choose to represent you on social networking sites says a lot about you.

Tuesday 23 April 2019


Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, text
The two of them are both mad.

Mad King IIs

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Both were young. 

Made stupid mistakes and lost their heads for it.
Image may contain: 2 people, text
Funny, clever duo.

Imprisoned, accused of treason, both escape death. And still ruled. 

Both are survivors

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 They were both denied their mandates.

They lost their lives in the struggle.

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The very first rulers.

Both were assassinated too.
Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, text

Everything went into anarchy under them.
Image may contain: 2 people, text
Both declared themselves rulers after the assassination of the previous rulers.

They didn't rule for long. They were both assassinated.
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 My account was hacked! lol
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Two most notorious rulers.

You can't mess with either. They find a way to murder everyone who's ever crossed their paths. They won't stop until they've destroyed every opposition.
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They are not yet born.

Saturday 20 April 2019


Image may contain: hatA youths life is in his hands, no matter how he's been dictated. That's why youths have to work at their prime.

I realize youths these days don't have vision, they are after material things, though somethings are necessary but they are not of necessities, don't be after material things be after crucial things, work towards your future, set goals, have visions/dreams. Make God your priority, don't be after carnal things.


G- get to it
O- opportunity
A- ability
L- leadership
S- stay with it.
G- get to it. Before you pursue a goal, you ought to know what that goal is, and knowing it alone won't help but also striving to get to that goal. Striving to get to your goal in the sense that, you work towards it, always do things that will bring you closer to your goal. Make sure you know your aura, cause this is what will be your driving force.
O- opportunity. Always make use of your opportunity, do not miss the slightest chance.
A- ability. Work on your ability, once an opportunity is open for you, your ability will determine how far you will progress towards your goal.
L- leadership. The opportunity given to you and your ability to work will determine your future/leadership.
S- stay with it. Whatever you have stay with it, that is whatever you've gotten from the opportunity you gained, your ability to work and your leadership stay with it. But do not stay with the negative make sure you work towards the positive.
What are your Goals, what visions do you have, how have you designed your future. If you haven't done any of this is the time to start, you can only work in your prime as a youth to be successful. Success is a gradual process. It's not too late to start. Set your GOALS now.

Saturday 13 April 2019


Image result for WARM EMBRACE
Rita let her fingertips trace the curve of her smooth, dark breast, stopping to curl around her erect nipple. Despite the warmth from the fire in which she was nestled in front of, her nipples were hard and getting harder as Mike sucked and nibbled at the other.

She moaned, turning her slight smile toward the fire. She ran her other hand through his receding hair, dragging her neat and trim manicure across his scalp and down the nape of his neck. He nipped harder in response, sending a ripple of electricity directly between her legs, which were spread wide as Mike massaged her most sensitive parts.

Her body relaxed at the same time it rose with every stroke from Mike’s ever confident hands. She turned her head and kissed him, full and deep, as his fingers slid back and forth over her slick clit. When they slid inside, just as full and deep as their kiss, her back arched to draw him in deeper.

It was getting harder to breathe, as Mike quickened his stroke. Rita wanted to enjoy it, every last moment, remaining as relaxed as possible to savour the rise, to float on the edge of the cliff before diving off in a rush of pleasure. She stretched her arms above her head, letting out a little kitten moan. Reaching forward, she pulled Mike toward her for another lingering kiss.

Her mouth open like her pussy, she wanted more of him inside her. His tongue exploring hers just like his fingers probed and stroked below. Her hips rocked in time with his movement, his fingers slick with her juices plunged deeper and deeper with each push. Warmth spread and Rita felt herself on the edge, knowing she was going over, but drawing every last second she could in this nether word between arousal and climax. It was her favourite part - if she was being honest - this moment before orgasm when the world fell away and she was in a state of unparalleled bliss.

Mike murmured in her ear as she cried out. She couldn’t make out what he said and it didn’t matter because she simply didn’t care. The waves of pleasure rolled through her, making her body limper and limper as she lay on the pillows scattered about the floor. As her rapid breathing eased, Mike’s lips whispered against the skin of her tummy, trailing kisses from her belly button to her lips.

Still on her back, John slid his muscular frame on top of her, placing his chiseled forearms above her shoulders to allow himself to look down at her pale face. It was intimate, this face-to-faceness. He could see her half-lidded eyes look down for his cock, her slight smile as she took its weight in her hands, feeling its length and squeezing its girth, before guiding him gently to her slick, wet cunt. One smooth push and he was deep inside, her pussy gripping his member as he carefully drew it from her.

Like Rita, he wanted to savour each push, withdrawing almost completely before sliding his cock back in. She dragged her fingernails down his back and up his ribcage, her touch light but alighting the nerves in his skin. The fire kept them warm, stopping the cold, moonlit night from entering their cozy den.

Rita felt his body stiffening; his breath on her neck coming faster and hotter. She wrapped her long dancer’s legs around his waist, squeezing him tıght with her slim model arms. He reached down and grabbed her thigh, pulling her toward him as his thrusts became more violent. A lock of hair fell out of place and dangled across his forehead. Something between a moan and a sigh, the grip of his fingers in her leg, told her he found the same spot he brought her to only a few minutes before. She brushed the hair from his eyes, kissing his lips, his ear, his neck as his orgasm ended and his body relaxed into hers.

Right there in their warm embrace came a faint sound that grew louder disturbing the peace. They both were startled and Rita jumped up only to be awakened by the persistent knock on the door.

Grabbing her pygamas and still feeling the wetness between her thighs, she exclaimed "Oh! it was a dream...not again..."

Wednesday 3 April 2019


The fine art of properly using the English language is slipping away with time! Irregardless!?!?! AAAGGHHHH!!
It KILLS ME that some of these words, like "irregardless," that were non-words have been added to the dictionary as acceptable words just because people have used them incorrectly so much!
I can't stand the lose and loose mixup
Misuse of farther and further slays me. Often from educated people.
I am so sick of seeing “I should of done this”

Omg! YES! The pet peeves of an English Lit major right here! I have to bite my tongue, and my fingers, from being a literary gestapo!
Learn, psychopaths...