Tuesday, 12 March 2019

Teaching And Its Downsides

A teacher's job becomes a lot easier when children are disciplined at home. And a principal's job becomes a lot easier when teachers are professionals and know how to implement policy and procedures.

Dealing with all the things that comes with being a teacher is too much. Parents should play their parts and work with us and instill discipline and respect at home.
Unfortunately, parents want teachers to discipline them.

Furthermore, It becomes less motivating when the whole system is bogus and a local teacher can influence the students against a foreign teacher because he doesn't like them or for their selfish interest.

The Ideal environment for
learning should imbibe or implement all procedures and policies centered on building, informing, constructing and equipping the recepients (students). Hence, modeling them for a future yet ahead.

Nothing melts my heart than teaching kids. I have them at heart, but their behavior is ruining me. Shame! Our work is so hard.

Lastly, I would like to give a shout out to all the folks teaching their kids kindness and respect. The best form of teaching is modeling...You model it. Children are the ultimate copycats!

~Practice what you preach